Sustainability in Logistics

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Have you been looking for a way to immediately (and easily) lower your business’ Carbon Footprint?

Then you need to read this – if only to find out where most of your business’ carbon footprint is coming from.

Because – spoiler alert – it might not be YOUR business

Socius24 is known for having the most experienced and knowledgeable Dispatcher WMS sales, implementation and support team, trusted by customers all over the world. We’ve been doing what we do for a very long time.

But it might not be quite as obvious to the naked eye that we’re also deliberately leading the industry toward Net Zero – and a significantly greener future.

Sustainability is something that’s important to us, and it should be important to you. Even if that’s just from a financial perspective. So here, we’re going to explain how you can get a big win, fast, when it comes to minimising your business’ carbon footprint.

Did you know that Socius24 were recently classified by Climate Essentials as having a carbon footprint that’s 99% lower than the average business? 

Probably not, because depending on when you’re reading this, we only started talking about it in October 2024, which is just after we were assessed for our 2022 year.

but… 99%!

We’re really proud of the sustainability initiatives that we followed to achieve this result, but we’re equally as proud of the immediate and direct impact that our eco-friendly initiatives have had on our customers’ operations and their bottom line.

Our focus on sustainability contributes to their sustainability scores in a very real and tangible way; because just by working with us (rather than another, less ‘green’ WMS provider), they’re already reducing their carbon footprint.

The way that Climate Essentials (using the guidelines laid down by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol) calculates a business’ emissions is laid out like this:

  • Scope 1 Emissions: these are the emissions that your business creates from the fuel it burns on your premises or in your vehicles.
  • Scope 2 Emissions: these are the emissions that are produced by the energy you use that’s been generated by someone else (e.g. the electricity your business uses).
  • Scope 3 Emissions: these are the emissions that have been generated across your WHOLE value chain.

Scope 3 emissions are created during the production of the products and services that your business buys and by the waste that’s created in your business… PLUS they include all of the waste (and emissions) created by all of the businesses involved in the products and services that you’re using in your business operations.

Typically, Scope 3 Emissions account for 75% to 95% of the emissions that your business is responsible for generating.

Which means that if you choose a provider who has a TINY carbon footprint, then you get to attribute it to your own carbon footprint. Or rather, you don’t get dragged down by someone else’s carbon footprint. Because who wants that?

Socius24 have a tiny carbon footprint.


We’re happy to tell you how we do it… keep reading.

And while it’s nice that we’ve been recognised by – because our carbon footprint is 99% lower than the average WMS provider – we want you to know that we started doing this way back before it was trendy. Socius24 was built like this from the get-go, more than a decade ago. This recognition is just the latest way of being measured for what we do every day.


So, we’ve got a question for you; is your WMS Provider as green as us?

Might be worth asking. 

Because you’ve probably already got enough to worry about with your own carbon footprint. So, it’d be a pity if you had to take on the responsibility of theirs too (please see definition of Scope 3 Emissions, above) wouldn’t it?

In contrast, working with us means that your business gets to stand out as a champion of sustainability. And that’s a position that will likely resonate very powerfully with your customers and stakeholders.

We’ve worked hard to ensure that our sustainability initiatives don’t add complexity to your operations. We’ve made the way that we deploy Blue Yonder’s Dispatcher WMS as easy as possible, so that your team experiences minimal disruption. Our support team is always here, ready to help you through every step, making sure that your journey to increased sustainability is smooth, reliable, and as stress-free as it can be.

And we’re in it for the long-term. We’ll support your eco-journey as we help you deploy your new (or upgraded) Dispatcher WMS, but we’d really like to become your long-term partner… because that means that your operations can remain sustainable and compliant as regulations evolve.

But we know that talk is cheap and that anyone could (and probably will) tell you they’re sustainability champions too, so here’s exactly how we achieved a 99% lower carbon footprint than our competitors:

  • We don’t have office premises – so no lights and heating.
  • We don’t have to commute to our non-existent office – so no fuel emissions.
  • We do as much of our ‘business travel’ online as we can – so we dramatically minimise our fuel consumption (and, incidentally, your costs).
  • And we’re a paperless business – so we don’t kill any trees. In fact, when we implement Dispatcher WMS, we help our customers reduce their paper usage too.

Leaders work with other leaders, and Socius24 is leading the way to a greener future.

Which means that if you’re looking for an easy way to RAPIDLY reduce your business emissions, then we’d suggest you come talk to us about your next deployment. We’re looking forward to chatting with you:

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