Socius24 achieves Blue Yonder Dispatcher WMS Partner accreditation

 In Blog, Press Releases

We are extremely pleased to announce that Socius24 have achieved full Blue Yonder Dispatcher WMS Partner accreditation.

This means our customers can be even more confident that they chose Socius24 for their Blue Yonder WMS sales, project delivery and on-going consultancy needs.

Craig Jones, Managing Partner of Socius24 – “Our certification (below) comes at a great time for our growing business and demonstrates our determination to offer current and future clients the best possible sales/services & support when it comes to delivering Blue Yonder solutions and support services.”


Blue Yonder Dispatcher Warehouse Management System

Blue Yonder is one of the most recognisable and implemented solutions in the world.

Socius24’s expertise as a Dispatcher WMS Partner comes from our involvement in the design and development of the original RedPrairie Dispatcher solution, which enables us to fast-track deployment and ensure that our clients use its capabilities to the full. This reduces the cost and risk of deployment, leveraging a broad set of pre-built templates and plug-ins, allowing our customers to quickly gain the functionality they require.

Blue Yonder WMS

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